Wednesday 4 December 2013

Concept for Final Outcome

After conducting all the necessary research, we have come to a conclusion where we would like to re advertise diet coke with the concept of replacing beer and tea into diet coke. This is because the original diet coke with Duffy singing advertisement did not make any sense. We choose beer and tea to replace with diet coke because going to pubs and drinking beer is a very popular and common thing to do in the British, and tea is the national drink in the Britain. Both beer and tea are culture of the British. As our tag is "live life light", we replace beer with diet coke because drinking beer long term will make you gain weight and have a "beer belly" which make you heavy. By drinking diet coke, you will live your life "light". Besides that, over consume beer will lead to hangover, one of the symptoms of hangover is headache, dizziness and it feels like your head very heavy, all you want to do is just sit at one place and not move. But if you drink diet coke instate of beer, you will not ever get hangovers and you will able to "live live light" as you are able to  have fun and enjoy the situations or parties without any worriers. Moving on to the tea, tea is consider to be a very formal and serious. You will have to make the tea before drinking it, it has too many processes. But if you drink diet coke, you do not have to go through any making process, all you need to do is to get a can of diet coke, open it and you can drink it, its very easy and simple. "Live Life Light" means to live your life simple, take it easy, drinking diet coke is easier and simple compare drinking tea.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting replacement that is decided after some research shown in your previous posts although in those postings you should make connection so that your readers can relate back to this post here.
