Tuesday 3 December 2013

British Culture and Pubs

Pubs are very much part of British culture, one must visit a pub once visits England. Pub is one of the national's significant heritage blended in with life style of british people. Pub is an English word originated in England itself, which stands for Public House. Its is a place for british people to socialise among friends. Pubs are considered one of the few places in England that breaking the conversation with complete strangers is socially acceptable and appropriate. 

Alcohol drinks are served such as wine spirits and the most common can be non other than the English brewed beer. Food is also serves in the pubs mostly something tasty and filling. Entertainment such as life music, live broadcast football match, and fun games like dart are commonly used to attract customers. Pub is not just a place for people for working adults to go grab a beer, but it also a focal point of the local community. English pub welcomes every customers from all age groups, including teenagers, old people, and even family with very young children, however the alcoholic beverages are served to 18 years and above only. 

There are over 5,300 pubs established all over British territory. Average british people spend at least once every week visiting pubs. More than 75% of adults visit pubs more than once a week and 30% are considered as regular customers. This shows that pubs play an important role in daily social lives of british people. Pubs are said to be the Heart of England by Samuel Pepys.

By Watsakan

Beerandpub.com. 2013. BBPA Home - Hot topics - Culture & tourism. [online] Available at: http://www.beerandpub.com/hot-topics/culture-tourism [Accessed: 3 Dec 2013].

England.org.za. 2013. The English Pub. [online] Available at: http://www.england.org.za/the-english-pub.php#.Up2qMGQW3GA [Accessed: 3 Dec 2013].

London2012usefulinformationguide.com. 2013. English Pub Culture. [online] Available at: http://www.london2012usefulinformationguide.com/drinking-in-london/london-pubs/english-pub-culture/ [Accessed: 3 Dec 2013].

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