Sunday 1 December 2013

Diet Coke Slogan - Live Life Light


This slogan focuses on living your life lighter by drinking diet coke. As diet coke contains no

sugar, this means no carbohydrate and calories. Allowing one to cut down on their

carbohydrate & calorie intake is to cut down on one’s body fats. As any extra carbohydrate is converted to glycogen, or fatty acids, which are later stored as body fat. Therefore by
drinking diet coke, you are able to lose weight and ultimately, living life lighter.

In our company advertisement redesigning, we decided to use the slogan "Live Life Light".
What does it mean by living your life light? Light can mean many things in different context, in which we're trying to be as versatile as possible. Living your life light can mean to have a lower  bodyweight by losing weight or going on a diet, cutting down on fatty foods, increasing on fat burning activities such as playing sports. In this context, we are trying to engage with the "not so light" audiences, who are people that are overweight or who wants to change how their physical appearance appear.
This doesn't only apply for people who are overweight, it also applies to people who have diabetes, or are simply trying to cut down their daily sugar intake for many health reasons as sugar is contained in many of our daily foods and drinks.

Another context where "Light" is implied is that it can mean to take it easy, cheerful, looking at things lightly, on the lighter side. It implies as a laid-back approach on life, not taking things too seriously. This also means to have fun, as taking something lightly, isn't taking it seriously. In British culture, the British take things lightly, they often joke a lot and are cheerful people.


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