Wednesday 4 December 2013

British Beer Culture

Beer in British

Beer was introduced into England in a very early age. Beer from this time had to be consumed fresh, was served cloudy and would have produced little or no foam. To aid its taste and keeping properties bitter herbs and spices may have been used. In the 20th century, Britain has one of the highest drinking rates in the world.The average consumption for males as 22 litres of pure alcohol a year compared with just nine and a half litres for women. Beer consumption in British is very high.

Here are 3 English must drink beers that through a combination of luck, drunken raving and sheer endurance have earned the reputation of classic.

1.Newcastle Brown Ale: Back in year 1927, this is now the best selling bottled beer in Europe, and is one of Britain’s most well-known brews, famous for being the first Northern-style Brown Ale. Jim Porter, the brewer, had tried for five years to produce a beer to rival the clarity and purity of Bass. Even though he failed, he did come up with something new which has been much-copied since. This Northern Brown Ale is not to be confused with the standard British Brown Ale, which is a Mild beer in a bottle. 

2. Bass Ale: Brewed since year 1777 in Burton-on-Trent. When dark stouts and porters were the most popular beers, William Bass set out to copy the London brewer Hodgson and make a pale coloured beer. He was fortunate that the waters of the Trent were perfectly suited to his hoppy ale, and soon other brewers flocked to Burton to make the new and successful Pale Ale. When served in the cask, drinkers found this Pale Ale more refreshing than the malt-accented ales they were used to, but it was  more bitter, so the term Bitter was soon used to describe this popular new beer.


3. Worthington White Shield : Back in Year 1829 and changing brewers several times since then, White Shield is now owned by Coors, though brewed at the mostly autonomous Museum Brewing Company. This is the genuine Burton Pale Ale. When Bass took over the Worthington brewery in 1927 they began to filter and pasteurise their own Bass Pale Ale, but kept this going as an example of the real thing.

Effects of Drinking Beer

Drinking too much beer will have many bad effects after a long time of period. One of the bad effects is  getting Live damage. Long term heavy drinkers have a high risk developing liver disease such as fatty liver (steatosis) or alcoholic hepatitis.Any amount of alcohol can produce damage to the liver.If an individual has an underlying liver condition such as hepatitis B or C, or prior damage from alcohol or other diseases, the liver is very sensitive to any amount of alcohol.Getting a "beer belly" is also one of the bad effects fir long term heavy drinkers. Drinking beer means drinking more calories than are expended each day, is the primary cause of larger bellies.A typical beer has about 150 calories and if you sit down for several hours in one position, you will end up with serious calorie overload. Beer is an alcohol and alcohol can increase one's appetite. Furthermore, when you're drinking beer at a bar or a party, there's a high chances that there will be food on your hand which are normally fattening, for example pizza, chicken wings or other fried food. Besides that, over consume beer will lead to hangover. There are many symptoms of hangover, which are headache, drowsiness, dry mouth, dizziness, concentration problem,swearing, nausea, anxiety and many more.Dehydration cause hangover and dehydration is cause by alcohol. However, hangover can be minimised by drinking plenty of water or sweet drinks. 

Im doing research about beer because going to the pub and drinking beer is a very common thing in Britain, it is their culture. The reason of making and producing a advertisements is to promote and explain how good and effective their product works comparing with other competitors. In the original Duffy diet coke advertisement, they did not explain how good is the diet coke is and this will confuse the audience. And that is why we are re-advertise diet coke with different elements such as beer. Drinking beer will make that person gain weight and a "beer belly". By drinking drinking diet coke instate of beer, that person will not gain weight or a beer belly because it is a diet coke, it perpose is to reduce the chances of gaining weight.


1 comment:

  1. Ryan, we've mentioned this in class before. How is this related to your re-advertising of the original Duffy Diet Coke ad?
