Tuesday 29 October 2013

Comparing with a better similar advertisement

This is a Pepsi advertisement published this year and it is one of the UK's top 10 most popular advertisement. In this advertisement a celebrity was used - Beyonce. Pepsi is one of Coca-cola's rivals, 
both of this companies are very competitive to each other. To compare both of this advertisement, the way
Pepsi design and compose the advertisement has more effort and make more sense. The music and dance 
moves used in this Pepsi advertisement is not disturbing or confusing to the target audience that is why the 
Pepsi advertisement is better than the Coca-cola advertisement.

Another reason why the Coca-cola advertisement is a bad advertisement because this advertisement 
it does not has much view as the Pepsi advertisement. And the worst part is Pepsi advertisement is not a
British advertisement. This has shown that the Coca-cola "Duffy" advertisement is not a good
advertisement because the non-british Pepsi advertisement has more british views.





By: Ryan


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Ryan. While it is a good idea to compare to more 'successful' ads that are of the same range of product, you need to be more descriptive in the comparison.

    In the 3rd line of the first paragraph, what do you mean by "To compare both of this advertisement, the way Pepsi design and compose the advertisement has more effort and make more sense."? Elaborate because your point is not clear. (What do "...more effort and make more sense" mean?)

    Also, kindly explain the 2nd paragraph as clear as possible in relation to the Duffy ad.
