Monday 28 October 2013

Tarako Pasta Sauce

This is a TV commercial of Tarako Pasta Sauce from Japan. This commercial was aired around early year 2006. In the commercial, it is about a young girl trying to eat her pasta but was bombarded by an army of babies. The " babies" in the commercial represents cod eggs. In Japan, putting cod eggs as food topping is very common and it is one of Japan's culture but what does the commercial did not make sense was the combination of babies and cod egg. Babies and cod egg does not have any relation to the Japanese culture or to the pasta. This is very confusing to the views and to the consumers. Besides that, in the commercial the "cod egg babies" was spinning not only on the dinning table but also the young girl's head. The spinning of the babies does not make any sense because it does not relate to any of the elements in the commercial. This commercial makes the viewer very uncomfortable because it is weird and it does not make any relation to anything.

This is another TV commercial Tarako Pasta Sauce. In this commercial, the "cod egg babies" are not spinning anymore but instate is it marching in a formation toward to the young girl. It is a bad advertisement because it is very intimidating and scary. This also does not promote their product because it is a pasta sauce commercial but in the commercial it did not mention anything about the sauce. In both of the commercial, they used the same song for it. The song is singing about the cod eggs and it taste very nice and delicious but the melody itself sound very scary.

Most of the Japanese commercial are very out of the box and it is very creative. Even though it is a Japanese culture to have very weird and funny commercial, but the Tarako Pasta Sauce commercials are one of the bad advertisement for a TV commercial. This is because it did not deliver the msg to the audiences, the visual elements in the commercial does not relate to the Japanese culture but instate it made the audiences feel uncomfortable and confuse.

By: Ryan

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