Tuesday 29 October 2013

Duffy's Diet Coke & British Culture.

Diet Coke had come up with an advertisement in the year 2009 featured  one of the breakthrough stars of the year, 'Duffy' as the leading character in the advertisement. The marketing ideology that Diet Coke is a product that enables a modern woman to reconnect with herself in busy modern life, which which was very irrelevant to the product. the advertisement itself failed to convey the ideology and the message to the audience.

Furthermore, the music in the advertisement was consider terrible and irritating to the ears. Her vocal sounded like Orville the Duck. The advertisement ruined her career and  considered as a crime to pop culture and music industry of British culture.

But the most controversial topic caused by the advertisement was the fact that the advertisement showed a bad example for children by not wearing any helmet or reflective outfits. The bike had no head or tail lights which is considered very dangerous on the road. In UK, as one of the most developed countries in the world. Road safety concerns of the citizens is very must a serious topic. Thus this advertisement was indeed total failure.

by Watsakn Pannoppha

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