Wednesday 30 October 2013

Celebrities have always helped many companies sell their products. Skechers has been able to pick up some of the most popular celebrities ever! From Christina Aguilera to Kim Kardashian, Skechers has used these women in a sexual way to promote their shoes. These advertisement campaigns were all well thought out. Who would want to pass up a picture of their favorite sexy celebrity? People become interested in the product this way, and may become future clients.

 BUT!!!! Here the ads have too much sex appeal, that more looks like the advertising a sex shop. The idea of using pretty and sexy nurse in order to attract audience's attention nowadays became very old fashioned... I think, the general design of this poster turned into something cheap with hte help of two Christinas.

Towards culture, this advertisement's target audience is mostly people from Western culture. Because sex appeal is not accaptable in certain countries. 

Posted by Mohira 

Tuesday 29 October 2013

Comparing with a better similar advertisement

This is a Pepsi advertisement published this year and it is one of the UK's top 10 most popular advertisement. In this advertisement a celebrity was used - Beyonce. Pepsi is one of Coca-cola's rivals, 
both of this companies are very competitive to each other. To compare both of this advertisement, the way
Pepsi design and compose the advertisement has more effort and make more sense. The music and dance 
moves used in this Pepsi advertisement is not disturbing or confusing to the target audience that is why the 
Pepsi advertisement is better than the Coca-cola advertisement.

Another reason why the Coca-cola advertisement is a bad advertisement because this advertisement 
it does not has much view as the Pepsi advertisement. And the worst part is Pepsi advertisement is not a
British advertisement. This has shown that the Coca-cola "Duffy" advertisement is not a good
advertisement because the non-british Pepsi advertisement has more british views.


By: Ryan

UK Entertainment & Media industry

The UK has the highest number of ‘likers’ globally, when it comes to mobile advertisement with 10.21% did not  just view the advertisement, but also giving it a thumbs up. Base on the researched shown, they predict the UK Entertainment & Media (E&M) sector will grow by 3.1% (CAGR) from 2012 – 2016 to a value of £63 billion. They have made comparison between broadcasting, publishing and advertising industries. And it turns out that internet advertising and digital advertising is the highest rate. Printing advertising is not as popular anymore in the UK, not many people buying news papers and magazine because technology is rising. It is easier and more convient to excess the latest news or products through the internet by just using their smart phones or tablet. here are some graphics comparisons :



Duffy's Diet Coke & British Culture.

Diet Coke had come up with an advertisement in the year 2009 featured  one of the breakthrough stars of the year, 'Duffy' as the leading character in the advertisement. The marketing ideology that Diet Coke is a product that enables a modern woman to reconnect with herself in busy modern life, which which was very irrelevant to the product. the advertisement itself failed to convey the ideology and the message to the audience.

Furthermore, the music in the advertisement was consider terrible and irritating to the ears. Her vocal sounded like Orville the Duck. The advertisement ruined her career and  considered as a crime to pop culture and music industry of British culture.

But the most controversial topic caused by the advertisement was the fact that the advertisement showed a bad example for children by not wearing any helmet or reflective outfits. The bike had no head or tail lights which is considered very dangerous on the road. In UK, as one of the most developed countries in the world. Road safety concerns of the citizens is very must a serious topic. Thus this advertisement was indeed total failure.

by Watsakn Pannoppha

Monday 28 October 2013

The advertisement that I have found to be very inappropriate is the Fiat Palio - Boob Job / Best Moment in Life 2012 Argentina


Agency: Leo Burnett Argentina
Client: Fiat Auto Argentina
Product: New Fiat Pablio
Title: Surgery
ECD: Seto Olivieri
CD: Dauquen Chabeldin
AD: Hernan Cunado
Production manager: Federico Purielli -- Sebastian Tarruella
Production company: Ursula
Director: Lemon
Executive producer: Adrian D'Amario
General producer: Johanna Trosman
Eagle eyes: Marto Otonello
Music: SupercharangoPost - Production: Wolf

In my point of view, this ad did not even talk about a thing about the car. If this ad is to be shorten without the ending, many would think that it is a plastic surgery ad. In additional, it is very weird and irritating that the man actually imagine himself falling into her cleavage. 

By Wai Ee

Tarako Pasta Sauce

This is a TV commercial of Tarako Pasta Sauce from Japan. This commercial was aired around early year 2006. In the commercial, it is about a young girl trying to eat her pasta but was bombarded by an army of babies. The " babies" in the commercial represents cod eggs. In Japan, putting cod eggs as food topping is very common and it is one of Japan's culture but what does the commercial did not make sense was the combination of babies and cod egg. Babies and cod egg does not have any relation to the Japanese culture or to the pasta. This is very confusing to the views and to the consumers. Besides that, in the commercial the "cod egg babies" was spinning not only on the dinning table but also the young girl's head. The spinning of the babies does not make any sense because it does not relate to any of the elements in the commercial. This commercial makes the viewer very uncomfortable because it is weird and it does not make any relation to anything.

This is another TV commercial Tarako Pasta Sauce. In this commercial, the "cod egg babies" are not spinning anymore but instate is it marching in a formation toward to the young girl. It is a bad advertisement because it is very intimidating and scary. This also does not promote their product because it is a pasta sauce commercial but in the commercial it did not mention anything about the sauce. In both of the commercial, they used the same song for it. The song is singing about the cod eggs and it taste very nice and delicious but the melody itself sound very scary.

Most of the Japanese commercial are very out of the box and it is very creative. Even though it is a Japanese culture to have very weird and funny commercial, but the Tarako Pasta Sauce commercials are one of the bad advertisement for a TV commercial. This is because it did not deliver the msg to the audiences, the visual elements in the commercial does not relate to the Japanese culture but instate it made the audiences feel uncomfortable and confuse.

By: Ryan

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Diesel: Be Stupid Advertising Campaign

Diesel's new campaign advertisement "Be Stupid" was designed by Anomaly New York.

“Be Smart” – that is what our parents and teachers told us since we were young. While Diesel, an international jeans brand, takes “Be Stupid” as its philosophy. Are you feeling inexplicable? Maybe the following slogans will help you take away your doubts. 

Diesel Stupid Philosophy
Like balloons, we are filled with hopes and dreams. But. Over time a single sentence creeps into our lives. Don’t be stupid. It’s the crusher of possibility. It’s the worlds greatest deflator. The world is full of smart people. Doing all kind of smart things… Thats smart.
Well, we’re with stupid. Stupid is the relentless pursuit of a regret free life. Smart may have the brains…
but stupid has the balls. The smart might recognize things for how they are. The stupid see things for how they could be. Smart critiques. Stupid creates. The fact is if we didnt have stupid thoughts wed have no interesting thoughts at all. Smart may have the plans… but stupid has the stories.
Smart may have the authority but stupid has one hell of a hangover. Its not smart to take risks… Its stupid.
To be stupid is to be brave. The stupid isnt afraid to fail. The stupid know there are worse things than failure… like not even trying.
Smart had one good idea, and that idea was stupid. You can’t outsmart stupid. So don’t even try. Remember only stupid can be truly brilliant. ( Source from Diesel )

 Few of the many advertisements from Diesel's "Be Stupid" campaign

I find these advertisements ineffective as it does not relate to the product that they are selling which are jeans. The advertisements depicts being stupid as being smart. Audiences might be confused too when they see these advertisements as it requires time to digest the information that is presented to them. I find these advertisements distasteful and tacky. Even though the pictures used are interesting, it just doesn't seem to connect with the product that they are trying to sell.

Monday 14 October 2013

testing post

Group 1 testing post:  testing... testing.... 1...2...3....