Tuesday 12 November 2013

Power of Celebrity Endorsement in UK

Celebrity endorsement is an effective method to increase credibility, recognition, and value of the brand or the product itself. Celebrity endorsements are being used in television advertisements in almost every products and services. The use of celebrities has resulted from the associative personal qualities of attractiveness, likeability, reputation, and believability of the celebrities toward the products being endorsed (Atkin and Block 1983; Nelson 1974). Thus the products or services, which include celebrities as endorsers, can have better competitive advantages over the non-endorsers products.

In UK, celebrity endorsement can be considered as an important marketing tool to establish the credibility to the product. Celebrity endorsement affects the purchasing behavior of British people. According the recent survey conducted over a hundred people aged 20-30, 60% agreed that celebrity endorsement has impact on their purchasing behavior. Not only that, by using the right celebrity as an endorser for the marketing strategy, can actually determine the credibility and publicity of the product or service. With the same survey mentioned previously, about 25% stated that they would stop purchasing the product, if the endorser was someone they did not like (Whitehead, 2013).

Over 25% of British television advertisements are included with the appearance of celebrities (Choi, Lee and Kim, 2005). This number is comparatively higher than the number of celebrity endorsement in US, which accounts approximately 20% (Shimp, 2000). Hence, we can say, that the power of celebrity endorsement in UK as the impact on the consumers’ behavior and determine the profitability that the brand or the product can earn with the use of celebrities.  





By Sadad


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Good job here, Sadad, where you 'confirm' the effective use of celebrities to endorse products in advertisements. However, could you please link it to the Duffy Diet Coke ad? Your research here now seems a little remote on its own.
